A holistic process of discovery which has opened my mind to new possibilities

Conscious Living Mastery is helping me be more intentional about my own self-care and personal growth. Pat has created a program which is encouraging me to explore my life from a deeper perspective. The video lessons provide an excellent overview of the various meaningful topics and the many exercises help me to apply the material…

Conscious Living Mastery arrived in my life just in time

CLM arrived in my life “just in time”, as a synthesis of many years of study, research and experiences focused on the Self-Realization process through Psychosynthesis and Vedic Wisdom. CLM program offers a guide line for a deep self work based upon exercises, lectures and video-audio listening material from a Top Trainer Coach. I choose…

I’ve never felt so free to be that truly authentic person

Dr. Patrick Williams has presented an opportunity and invitation for courageous thinkers to consider learning how to be “ …emotionally transparent at the right time, the right place, and with the right person”, through his Conscious Living Mastery program. Having participated in this program, I can personally share with you that I learned how to…

Live With Purpose By Breaking Out Of Your Self-Made Prison

Do you feel like you’re living in a prison sometimes…one that you built yourself? You’re not alone. As a coach, and a mentor to coaches, I meet people every day who have created stories about their past – and then their future – based on feelings of shame, guilt, and self-doubt. I’ve also met people…

Dr. Pat on Expert Panel About “How to Stop Self-Sabotage & Why We Do It”

Join Dr. Pat Williams for the Wellness Universe Expert Panel discussion on February 13th 2:00 PM EST about “Releasing Toxic Beliefs & Patterns” Dr Pat says: “I have been selected to take part in a life-changing event about a topic I am very passionate about: Self -Sabotage. I would be honored for you to come…

Dr. Pat on Expert Panel About “Releasing Toxic Beliefs & Patterns”

Join Dr. Pat Williams for the Wellness Universe Expert Panel discussion on February 13th 2:00 PM EST about “Releasing Toxic Beliefs & Patterns” Dr Pat says: “I have been selected to take part in life-changing event that I am passionate about: Releasing Toxic Beliefs & Patterns. I would be honored for you to come and…

9 Ways To Create Peace In Your Life —​ Even When The World Is Pure Chaos

Yes, the world is crazy right now. But you can cultivate your “inner chill”. Here’s how. As Dickens wrote in A Tale of Two Cities in 1859, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.” Doesn’t this ring so…

7 Ways To ‘Get Out Of Your Mind’ When Life Is Stressing You Out

Have you ever felt like you were going out of your mind? Stressful days all piling up on you until your brain’s spinning and your head feels like it might explode? Whenever we hear the phrase “going out of your mind,” we instantly think of it in this negative sense: feeling crazy, overwhelmed or out…

The BIG Reason You’ve Gotta Show Your Dark Side In Order To Be Happy

If you want to truly be successful (and happy!), you need to get naked. I am not speaking here of nudity or physical nakedness (although that’s fun, too). I’m talking about emotional nakedness. The kind of closeness and honesty that happens with true vulnerability. Not just with someone close to you, but with yourself first…