6 Sexy Ways to be Naked with Your Partner, Without Shedding Your Clothes!

Would it surprise you to learn that, after conflicts about money, issues revolving around intimacy are the second and third most common causes of a relationship breakdown? Infidelity and a lack of intimacy are both major contributors to the failure of a marriage or a long-term relationship. And they’re nearly always linked… It doesn’t have…

Vulnerability Part 1: Why Being Vulnerable is a Good Thing

Have you been hard-wired to harden up? You’re not alone. Of all the life lessons we need to unlearn, it’s the belief that being vulnerable is a sign of weakness. Vulnerability is a strength if you put it to use in the right setting, with the right person. It can unleash the potential for deeper, richer relationships…


Why We All Need a Witness to Our Emotional Nakedness

Do you have a committed witness? Wait, let’s back up…do you know what I mean by “a committed witness”…? We all need a witness – someone who will give us the space and security to share our fears, flaws, and mistakes…out loud, without judgment. But it’s hard to admit the need – and sometimes harder…

Lies You Tell Yourself That Can Keep You Stuck In Unhappiness

Is there an elephant in your ‘relationship’ room? There are lies we tell ourselves. And they prevent us from having authentic, emotionally naked relationships with the people who should be our closest friends and confidantes. Telling the truth is hard. But avoiding the hard truths and telling lies instead – the ones you tell yourself…

Live With Purpose By Breaking Out Of Your Self-Made Prison

Do you feel like you’re living in a prison sometimes…one that you built yourself? You’re not alone. As a coach, and a mentor to coaches, I meet people every day who have created stories about their past – and then their future – based on feelings of shame, guilt, and self-doubt. I’ve also met people…

9 Ways To Create Peace In Your Life —​ Even When The World Is Pure Chaos

Yes, the world is crazy right now. But you can cultivate your “inner chill”. Here’s how. As Dickens wrote in A Tale of Two Cities in 1859, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.” Doesn’t this ring so…

7 Ways To ‘Get Out Of Your Mind’ When Life Is Stressing You Out

Have you ever felt like you were going out of your mind? Stressful days all piling up on you until your brain’s spinning and your head feels like it might explode? Whenever we hear the phrase “going out of your mind,” we instantly think of it in this negative sense: feeling crazy, overwhelmed or out…

The BIG Reason You’ve Gotta Show Your Dark Side In Order To Be Happy

If you want to truly be successful (and happy!), you need to get naked. I am not speaking here of nudity or physical nakedness (although that’s fun, too). I’m talking about emotional nakedness. The kind of closeness and honesty that happens with true vulnerability. Not just with someone close to you, but with yourself first…