Why Allowing Yourself to Feel Emotionally Vulnerable Is Actually A Good Thing

While you never want to be in a situation where you feel vulnerable not by choice, here I will highlight how understanding your emotional vulnerabilities and showing them to your partner (or maybe even friends and family) can help you grow stronger as a person and have a deeper understanding of self. Life hands us…


From Soup Cans to Cyber Sharing: Modern Communication & Privacy

“Each person’s life is lived as a series of conversations.” — Deborah Tanner Some of you who are wise elders will remember a form of communication we did in our childhoods with two soup cans strung about twenty to thirty feet apart with a string or wire, and we pretended they were phones or communicators…

We have all learned to wear masks and protective armor from a young age…

Life is continuously providing us information or messages. When we do not listen, the messages become lessons. When we do not learn, the lessons become problems. When we don’t address the problems, they become crises. When crises go unresolved, they create chaos in our lives. Great students of life seek to live on the levels…

Emotional Nakedness

Emotional Nakedness

My new book, Getting Naked, is soon to be published and the theme is the importance of finding the right person, the right place and the right time to be emotionally transparent. This book is NOT about physical nakedness. It’s about being emotionally naked, spiritually vulnerable, and the willingness to expose one’s deepest truth. It…