The power of authenticity and vulnerability

  Dr. Patrick Williams talks with Born to Prosper’s Shane and Rachel Krider Get the Podcast at! Highlights of Discussion: Synergy between Born to Prosper’s Mindpower and Dr Patrick Williams’ new book Getting Naked: on being emotionally transparent at the right time, right place, with the right person; and how the power of authenticity…

We have all learned to wear masks and protective armor from a young age…

Life is continuously providing us information or messages. When we do not listen, the messages become lessons. When we do not learn, the lessons become problems. When we don’t address the problems, they become crises. When crises go unresolved, they create chaos in our lives. Great students of life seek to live on the levels…

Politics, power, and greed get in the way of love, abundance and freedom

Humanity has always confounded me. We are supposed to be an ever evolving species and yet we make choices to destroy each other, the planet and its resources. However, not all humans are destructive or violent…people to people we usually see our differences and learn. But politics, power, and greed get in the way of…

Patrick Williams is a seasoned professional, writer, and trainer

In his latest book, Getting Naked, he combines a lifetime of wisdom into a very readable book that helps us live more authentically. He shares personal stories, myths and case studies that drive home the importance of having places and people in our lives with whom we can totally let down our guard and be…