Empowered me to leap even further.

I give my full endorsement for Dr. Patrick Williams as a magnificent coach. He has been my coach, friend and valued colleague since 1996. I have witnessed Patrick coach and I been fortunate enough to be coached by Patrick. Like Patrick, I too am a trailblazer and Patrick is one of the very few coaches in the world that has empowered me to leap even further. Most other coaches have attempted to slow me down and encourage me to be more conservative.

One of the qualities I admire most in Patrick is his willingness (and comfort) in taking risk with his clients and how brilliantly he models the importance of always stretching beyond your comfort zone. Because of this, his coaching has exceeded my expectations and has me coming back for more and more… In addition, Patrick has a very strong personal foundation and is one of the most respected coaches in our industry. In addition to his reputation as a masterful coach, his positive attitude and sharp wit is so infectious that he has a huge following.

I give Dr. Patrick Williams the greatest endorsement possible as a gifted coach and an exceptional human being. ~ Chrissy Carew, Hall of Fame Master Certified Coach, Founder and Head Coach, Insightful Player, LLC

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