How We Greet People Is Changing, And That Is A Good Thing

COVID-19 disrupted the world in a way not known for decades, and its repercussions will likely change our lives for decades to come. But don’t despair… Some changes are good. Like learning to slow down, be creative at home, appreciate family and friends and truly connect in more personal ways. As we navigate this novel…

6 Sexy Ways to be Naked with Your Partner, Without Shedding Your Clothes!

Would it surprise you to learn that, after conflicts about money, issues revolving around intimacy are the second and third most common causes of a relationship breakdown? Infidelity and a lack of intimacy are both major contributors to the failure of a marriage or a long-term relationship. And they’re nearly always linked… It doesn’t have…

Vulnerability Part 1: Why Being Vulnerable is a Good Thing

Have you been hard-wired to harden up? You’re not alone. Of all the life lessons we need to unlearn, it’s the belief that being vulnerable is a sign of weakness. Vulnerability is a strength if you put it to use in the right setting, with the right person. It can unleash the potential for deeper, richer relationships…

I’m so glad I trusted my impulse to jump into this program

It has opened new pathways to learning, growing, transforming… essential activities without which I feel stuck. As the course materials inspired me to review my life, I rediscovered old memories I had completely forgotten or blocked. Through this program I am gaining new awareness and embracing my past with kindness. ~ Cristina Pelizzatti Professional Trainer…


Why We All Need a Witness to Our Emotional Nakedness

Do you have a committed witness? Wait, let’s back up…do you know what I mean by “a committed witness”…? We all need a witness – someone who will give us the space and security to share our fears, flaws, and mistakes…out loud, without judgment. But it’s hard to admit the need – and sometimes harder…

Lies You Tell Yourself That Can Keep You Stuck In Unhappiness

Is there an elephant in your ‘relationship’ room? There are lies we tell ourselves. And they prevent us from having authentic, emotionally naked relationships with the people who should be our closest friends and confidantes. Telling the truth is hard. But avoiding the hard truths and telling lies instead – the ones you tell yourself…

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How to Uncover the Hidden Parts of Your Personality

One of the least understood – yet most powerful – concepts in personal and spiritual development is the Shadow Self, unfortunately, viewed as our “dark side”. Carl Jung identified the Shadow Self as a side of our personality that we choose to hide…and often fear. As coaches, therapists, and counselors, it’s our job to guide…