Harnessing your experience, achievement, and innate wisdom
Creating Your Living Legacy

Welcome to the Wise Elders Legacy CircleTM, a gathering of experienced and thoughtful MEN and WOMEN aged 60 and greater. In this communal space we will share the wisdom we carry, our life experiences, and support each other on our life journeys.

Let’s not grow old, let’s grow WHOLE!

Are you:

  • Longing for a supportive community of like-minded Wise Elders?
  • Frustrated with the challenges of maintaining a healthy lifestyle?
  • Worried about staying mentally sharp and focused?
  • Missing out on activities you enjoy?
  • Looking to engage in meaningful discussions and explorations?

This is for you if you are:

  • Inspired to explore and maximize your next chapter.
  • Reflecting on your lifetime of experience for harvesting and leveraging your wisdom.
  • Ready to dive into what matters most and explore what’s next….no more defining yourself only by your career.
  • Experiencing a major life transition and would benefit from support and new perspectives.

Together, we will foster meaningful connections, engage in enriching discussions, and continue to grow during this time for our 2nd half of life.

Let’s focus on being BOLDER not OLDER,
and moving from ROLE to SOUL

Interested in more information?

Reserve your spot by the campfire today! You will be contacted by Dr. Pat for a brief conversation. NO OBLIGATIONS.

As a group of MEN and WOMEN in MIDLIFE and beyond, we will meet for 10 weeks.

Together, we will gather around a metaphorical campfire as tribal cultures have done for eons. This was a rich time for storytelling, personal sharing of triumphs and challenges, and where tribal elders were honored.

The idea for this program was birthed out of my experience in 2007, on a three-week walking safari with ten men in Tanzania, led by Richard Leider, who is one of my most inspiring mentors.


  • Small group of 10 participants (max)
  • Meetings held by zoom; recordings provided.
  • Ten 90-minute group sessions.
  • Workbook with resources, readings, exercises, and reflections.


  • Imagine we are meeting sitting in a fireside circle.
  • Music reflection
  • Check-in
  • Topic discussions
  • Group and Personal sharing or exercises
  • Assignment and check-out

Weeks 1 and 2:

  • Welcome and orientation.
  • Introductions.
  • Music: Long and Winding Road
  • TOPIC: The Flame of Identity: Who am I?

Weeks 3 and 4:

  • Topic: The Flame of Community: Where is my Place?
  • Music:  In My Life/Yesterday

Weeks 5 and 6:

  • Topic: The Flame of Passion: What do I Care About?
  • Music: Good Day Sunshine/Here Comes the Sun

Weeks 7 and 8:

  • Topic: The Flame of Meaning: What is my Purpose?
  • Music: Let it Be/Here, There and Everywhere

Weeks 9 and 10:

  • Topic: WILD CARD what learning, questions, are you left with?
  • Music: (contributed by participants)

Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer. Rainer Maria Rilke

These topics are drawn from Claiming Your Place at the Fire by Richard Leider, with permission.

If you are interested in one of these groups being offered in 2025 and would like more information, reserve your spot by the campfire now!

You will be contacted by Dr. Pat for a brief conversation. NO OBLIGATIONS. This is only to receive more information regarding the Wise Elders Legacy Circle.

Hope to see you by the campfire.


Pat sees the wisdom within his clients so clearly and uses this to coach them to transform their visions into reality. He inspires me to remember that every coach has an amazing capacity to inspire growth. Just being with Pat makes me want to up my game & play full out! ~ Ann Raisch

If you don’t know Dr. Pat Williams, MCC, BCC, you should! His insights and expertise were priceless as a mentor coach, and I look forward to being a student in his new offering! ~ David Lang

I feel honored to have had the opportunity to meet Dr Pat and consider him not only a mentor but also a friend. The knowledge and support he has provided throughout our professional journey has been invaluable. Dr Pat’s guidance and mentorship have played a significant role in my growth, and I am grateful for the impact he has had on my professional development. ~ Betina Pflug

Working with Patrick Williams is always a fantastic experience. His coaching is fun, insightful and highly motivating. He has a gift for finding the spark inside of you that is ready to burst into flames while creating a sacred space for you to step into your potential with confidence.

He is warm, genuine and has the remarkable ability to build instant rapport with anyone he meets or works with. If you are wondering if you would benefit from working with Patrick that answer a resounding YES! Don’t wait! Invest in yourself and be confident knowing that Patrick is one of the best coaches out there. Any time spend with Pat is time well spent! ~ Sinead Moffatt

Pat is a wise elder in the coaching field. As a noted author, international speaker, coach, and coach trainer – Pat actively lives his legacy through these venues. In addition, he shares his perspective in an effort to support the continued evolution of the coaching field. Committed to making a difference, Pat founded Coaching the Global Village to bring coaching to communities around the world. ~ Vikki G. Brock, Ph.D.

Patrick has that rare combination of street smarts, business acumen, and the determination to do the right thing. His heart-centered commitment to offer coaching as a way to empower individuals who choose to make a profound difference in the world is as practical as it is visionary. ~ Minx Boren MCC – Coach Minx Inc.

I give my full endorsement for Dr. Patrick Williams as a magnificent coach. He has been my coach, friend, and valued colleague since 1996.

One of the qualities I admire most in Patrick is his willingness (and comfort) in taking risks with his clients and how brilliantly he models the importance of always stretching beyond your comfort zone. Because of this, his coaching has exceeded my expectations and has me coming back for more and more… In addition, Patrick has a very strong personal foundation and is one of the most respected coaches in our industry. In addition to his reputation as a masterful coach, his positive attitude and sharp wit is so infectious that he has a huge following.

I give Dr. Patrick Williams the greatest endorsement possible as a gifted coach and an exceptional human being. ~ Chrissy Carew, Hall of Fame Master Certified Coach, Founder and Head Coach, Insightful Player, LLC

When you have a chance to work with Pat – jump at the opportunity. The world is a better place because of Pat and his considerable contributions to the coaching industry and the world. ~ Peter J. Reding, MBA, MCC

Don’t forget to reserve your spot by the campfire now!